29 april 2021
Boswagen uitproberen
1 mei 2021
29 april 2021
Boswagen uitproberen
1 mei 2021


Listened too the baby chicken by his ear and felt it touch his cheek. Super sweet. Kept the chickens company, watching them chirp away, while we prepared for a walk. But then it rained and we didn’t walk.Played on the Wii. Raced with Merelieke and Ainhoa. Came in last place, but had fun.Relaxed on the waterbed and listened to Dikkie Dik stories. Planned on helping to bake pancakes, but Merelieke made a huge mess with the batter. 😂 So instead we cleaned up and then Mees went home. – Click ‘read more’ for more photo’s – Laura Lynne.