Lekker polderen
25 november 2020
Ouwehands Dierenpark
28 november 2020
Lekker polderen
25 november 2020
Ouwehands Dierenpark
28 november 2020

Wassen, bakken en chillen

Massage after the shower. Sometimes relaxed, but having too much fun to really relax. Wheelchair also repaired during this time. Yay! Breakfast and then helped start the wash and unpack his suitcase.Helped bake a cake. Stirring, measuring, using the sieve, cracking eggs, stirring, pouring, and using the hand mixer. And of course taste-testing and making a big mess.Chilled on the waterbed, listened to stories on the iPad, and had a balloon fight. Helped with the laundry and then played piano and the bongo drum while we sang. Loves the singing! (See ‘read more’ for more photos) – Laura Lynn