12 november 2020
NeuroMovement & wandeling
14 november 2020
12 november 2020
NeuroMovement & wandeling
14 november 2020

Nina’s Book of Little Things

Was a lazy day today, but fun. After getting ready for the day, Mees watched Sinterklaas Journaal and we read the best Pet Of All book together. Much more interested in the book than Sinterklaas news. 📖 Mees helped with the wash and with cooking. Chilled on the waterbed and listened to music. Mees was excited and rotated around in a circle on the waterbed, and once rolled onto his stomach. He thought this was very funny! Worked a little more on our Pet book project and then went outside for a walk. Had a lot of fun playing with the leaves, trying out the bars on the playground and taking pictures. Did a fall search for items on our list and found all the pictures except one. Also worked on the book , Nina’s Book of Little Things. Then it was already time to go home. (See ‘read more’ for more photo’s) – Laura Lynne